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Sunday, March 26, 2017


 The elixir of life; the celebratory tonic; the Greek’s love potion; the seduction of bubbles leads to no other than Champagne.  Mention of the word offers many emotions, from conquering love to applauding victory.

From the first sip of Moët, victorious over the loss of my virginity; Charles Heidsieck Brut Réserve drunk atop Tehran Hilton’s bar, celebrating Pahlavi’s now forgotten dynasty; Pierrer Jouët sipped at my wedding; Veuve Clicquot over dinner under the Paris night sky after a romantic meandering through Pont Neuf crossing Jardin des Tuileries back to an inviting four poster bed at the George V;  GH Mumm at the Christening of our first born in an English countryside;  Tattenger imbibed at the no-longer Windows of World, now Ground-Zero as we glided down Trump Tower from a helicopter ride touring Manhattan; Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Rosé bubbled our lips when daughter was born in Micronesia; and back to Moët for our baby boy’s Christening in quaint and quirky Cheshire.

Seduction, sexual adventures leading up to procreation unashamedly points to my life’s journey with Champagne but do try to focus not on my sexual overtures but the brilliant Champagne propaganda evoking these emotions so that the victory over love, the toppling of empires and the enslaving of great minds do so by having these bubbles dance on your tongue, tantalizing your taste buds, promising and fantasizing those unreachable goals magically landing at your feet.

Bubble in coupe glasses or flute glasses.  Which one shows your lack of style or your chic elegance?  Champagne glasses of old known as the ‘coupe’ has a wide and shallow bowl.  Legend has it that the ‘coupe’ glass was molded from Marie Antoinette’s left breast, as she wanted her court to toast her health by drinking from glasses shaped like her bosom.   Sex and champagne seems always to go hand in hand even from ‘let them it cake’ days.

The Champagne Flute is tall, thin bowl with a long sophisticated stem encapsulating those fizzy bubbles with elegance.  It allows the bubbles to congregate and quickly rise to the top of the glass.  The first sip explodes and as it washes down, magical fantasies slowly conjure the mind and so many desires readily unfold.

With your next drop of Champagne celebrating whatever victory, remember it gulp by gulp as the sophistication and luxurious moment takes you wantonly into another realm.


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