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Monday, December 31, 2018


As I pimp myself to celebrate  bringing in the New Year, a time for reflection is needed.

Of all the countless past New Year's eve on this planet, some resolutions have stayed; unfortunately most went out the window at the first light of new year's day.   The resolutions that have admirably stayed have got me to where I am today.  Only five to show, the r
est was pie in the sky on a drunken night. 

On the eve of 1973:   I vowed to take "freedom" within boundaries and never cower to power.

On the eve of 1981 :  I vowed to be an exemplary mother.   My kids should have the last say on this matter. 

On the eve of 1997:   I vowed never to cry over spilt milk.  No regrets whatsoever.

On the eve of 2000:   I vowed to have discipline.

On the eve of 2011:   I vowed to unearth some skills locked inside and allow them to flower.

On the eve of 2019:   I vow never to doubt myself.   Others will be the judge.

Happy New Year to you all.