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Friday, January 4, 2013



Every year that passes and a new one starts, there is always the nagging 
ever-illusive New Year’s Resolution that draws my attention.  
Years of experience tell me my list must be short to be effective. 

When fire-works signified that 2013 was here, mentally the list was already 
forming only to die a short death before the night was through.  
What was it, that was so hard to promise, and then broken to smithereens in the
 space of less than 6 hours. Undeniably shameful, I bow my head and
 submit to self-beating with the knowledge that it is still the first 
week of January and I can redeem myself to 
becoming a better person.

To succeed is to fail, fail and fail again.   So having failed miserably for 
more than two decades, I decided that this is going to be my year, and have 
foolproof resolutions thus emerging  a worthier individual, 
accomplished, enlightened, disciplined and very focused.

I will only attempt two simple resolutions. 
One of which is to stick to them.
So what's yours?


  1. ,...Resume the digging up of things with my therapist who keeps taking me to places that scare me,...
    ,...Talk to my ageing mother (who knows,... she might have decided to start listening to me as a New Year resolution)
    ,...Take better care of my health by reducing the amount of olives in my Vodka Martini from 3 to 2 per glass.

  2. Solutions to your resolutions: Hold the therapist by the hand, give him a double Vodka Martini and sit him down with your mother - and I guarantee you will have a terrific year. Salute!


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