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Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Have you ever attended a concert hall with a full orchestra either in London, New York or Bangkok, after anticipating what seemingly felt like thirty minutes, but in reality only ten,  the conductor finally walks on stage, everybody acknowledges him with loud astounding applause, but he has yet to show his expertise, of  what?  Dare I show my ignorance  and expose my weak knowledge, defining me as a music lover, yet ignorance pervades my understanding of the simple law of synchronizing movements to make beautiful classics.

Dressed in the prescribed exquisitely tailored dinner jacket,  he assumes the role to start music, he turns his back to the audience and his skill as a musician begins in full force.  Hundreds of past concerts in my lifetime, the waving arms, the body movement was not unusual, however old or young, there was a sexuality attached to the arm and swaying hips.


The chance is rare, to catch an unprepared conductor, for back-and-forth intense conversation.  Captivating his weak moments, even as our discussion progresses, the creativity that runs through his veins lights up and showed his ability was in-born.  Character intensity leaves energy on to everything he brushes against.  Dopamine is in full flow with every concert  and along with it comes trouble.  Dopamine is a pleasure-seeking neurotransmitter.  It’s addictive.


Dopamine impacts many neurological and behaviour functions within the body.  It produces arousal, necessary to conduct classical music, movement in tune with conducting re-enforces production of dopamine in huge quantities.  I have the unique ability to smell dopamine  since my health declining requires dopamine in huge quantity that flows with sweat in large quantities. It has a captivating musk mixed with a uric acid whiff which is unmistakable.   I know of no-one else possessing such olfactory uniqueness to dopamine.


The complexities of knowing the music notes by heart, and everyone else’s on every note bar, exhilarates the tempo of dopamine.  The precise execution he directs on to the Orchestra is in watching the conductor’s excellence in mastering every single note of every musician. His leadership judged first by the orchestra; his personal body movement and hands, creates his unique conducting so all will follow him with just a quick look.  Judged by the audience, unless you are a musician, the conductor just moves his arms elegantly signifying total control.  That’s all the indication the audience is allowed privy.  


I was fortunate to have a sharp and witty incitive conversation that left me overwhelmed with inside knowledge that was privy to what this particular conductor and his group of musician friends, and family musician members who know of his magic component.


I tried a psychological approach to find the true emotions of the man, the violinist, the teacher and the conductor, all in one person.  The conversation showed me that large  quantities of dopamine is released, a neurotransmitter that  encourages pleasure; required to make such a presentation.  Whether he is on stage, or not, his daily production encapsulates the whole person and is in large quantities.   That extra component translates into a sexual ingredient that overflows in colossal amounts.   That signifies that out of concert halls, there lies a story of conducting the body to let go of those pleasurable feelings the dopamine produces.


His physical stature is not of a large alpha male, yet the grey/white hair over a darker skin tone, with bulging biceps from conducting and body training, pushes sensuality and sexuality like squeezing pomegranates made into an elixir,  There is such an elixir mixed with spices, from the depth of Babylonian times, originating from Iraq, that is taken in shots to provide testosterone much like  Viagra, as any Iraqi would swear on its merits.


 It holds a fathom of secrets that should be explored on what happens before and after a concert.  He agreed that after the concert, he is completely shattered by the energy used.   Giving me nothing to go on, but I pushed the limit, he was not angry but amused at my  level of intrusive questioning, back and forth with quick repertoire    I suggested that the arms and fingers that relate to musical instructions , some on hold, were like holding back orgasm for the lady to be fully depleted, before he could produce the lasting chorus.


His eyes twinkled this acknowledged unashamed knowing look, was all that I needed to title this blog “Conduct of a Conductor.” 














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